Thermal illustration of targeted heart pain and potential for heart disease.

Chronic diseases are conditions that often last a year or more and require frequent medical attention or may even limit daily human activity. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. They are also the leading causes of the nation’s health care costs and bills, which falls into the trillions. The best way to prevent chronic diseases is to take action while you can. So what exactly are the causes, you might ask? We’ve outlined and provided some of these leading drivers for you. 

Environmental Factors

Unfortunately, some of the causes of chronic diseases are a bit out of our control. Air pollution has been found to spark asthma and respiratory conditions. The more that carbon monoxide and harmful substances are released into the atmosphere, the more that our lungs face the possibility of running into breathing problems. 

Childhood Risk

Extensive evidence from many countries has been conducted and found to show that conditions before birth and in early childhood can influence health in adult life. For example, when infants are born with a lower than normal birth weight, they are treated accordingly to fight the potential conditions of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.


Poorer populations of people are vulnerable due to several apparent reasons. Most homeless reside on the streets, therefore they are more exposed to risk and decreased health access. Psychosocial stressors, the result of cognitive appraisal about what is at stake and what can be done, also play a role. 

Tobacco Use

Smoking tobacco is extremely detrimental and increases the chances of gaining a chronic disease by a high amount. Smoking damages the airways and the small air sacs (alveoli) found in the lungs. When this damage takes place, emphysema and chronic bronchitis are bound to form. 

Unhealthy Diet

With a lack of exercise and unhealthy eating, diabetes becomes feasible. Believe it or not, cancer is also becoming heavily linked with our food choice. Having a nutritious diet complemented with regular physical activity can easily knock out the possibility of obesity problems, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. 

Primary Care El Paso: Managing Your Health and Lifestyle 

Managing chronic diseases can be a tough medical endeavor, but with the help of Primary Care El Paso you can live happier and healthier. Contact us today to set an appointment and comprise a health plan that is best fit for you!