Spring is a great time of year. The flowers are finally blooming. Winter’s cold grasp is loosening. The sun is staying out later. That means your children will most likely want to play outside, join sports teams, swim at indoor pools, and do what they can to spend more time outdoors and being active. While outdoor play is, of course, a good thing, your child will be more exposed to allergens and germs while also at more of a risk injuring themselves. While this is all normal kid stuff that most children deal with, making sure they are in good health and fit to play all day is always a good idea. One way to do so is to take them for their annual physicals in the spring.
Here are four reasons why that’s a good idea, brought to you by Primary Care El Paso, a dedicated primary care physician and family clinic in El Paso that offers routine physicals for children.
Reason #1: Ensure Your Child Doesn’t Have Underlying Illnesses or Injuries
In order for children to be able to play all day, they need to be healthy and feeling well but sometimes, certain illnesses and injuries may go undetected in children for a long time. At their annual physicals, their doctor will be able to determine if they have anything that’s gone undetected and ensure they are happy and healthy.
Reason #2: Allergy Management
While spring is a beautiful time of year, it can wreak havoc on our allergies, especially for the average child who enjoys playing outdoors. From pollen to dust, your child usually becomes more exposed to allergens in the spring season. A doctor will be able to advise you and them on ways they can better manage their allergies.
Reason #3: Growth Marks
As your child ages, they should reach certain growth marks that ensure they are on the right track to a healthy future. During their physicals, their doctor will be able to determine they are hitting these growth marks, ensuring they are strong and fit enough for days upon days of playing outdoors.
Reason #4: Stay Up to Date on Vaccinations
There are many incredibly important vaccinations that your child should receive throughout their lifetime. Taking your children in for their routine physicals ensures that they stay up to date on them and are protected from harmful and deadly diseases no matter who they play with.
Call Primary Care El Paso Today!
If your child is in need of a physical, we can help. Give us a call today to learn more or to set up an appointment. We look forward to helping you!